You require an SIA Security Guard License if you are carrying out licensable activities associated to a security guard such as protecting property, patrolling areas or preventing theft.
You must possess a current Emergency First Aid (EFAW) certification before enrolling in the Door Supervisor Top Up training course. Booking the Emergency First Aid training and the Top-Up course together is an option if you don't already have a current First Aid certification.
✅ The learner will be able to find and recognise terror threats, common methods of attack, procedures for dealing with suspicious items, identification of suspicious behaviour, and how to respond accordingly.
✅ The learner will be able to identify situations that may compromise personal safety, the benefits of using dynamic risk assessments and ways to minimise risk to their personal safety.
The course has 2 units outlined above and will be assessed with 2 multiple-choice exams.
Licence is valid for three years.
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